Liesel Badorrek

Background: Born Australia. Studied Literature, Griffith University, Queensland. Founded Loose Canon Arts in 1999. Liesel is an ongoing member of the all woman comedy cabaret collective Six Quick Chicks.
OA Repertoire: El Kid, By The Light of The Moon (Librettist and Director).
Other Companies: For Loose Canon Arts: Monkeyshines, Darlingwood Tales (Sydney Opera House), Trash Alchemy (CPAC, IPAC), Schneckenudel (Darlinghurst Theatre). For CDP Theatre Productions: The 26 Storey Treehouse, The 52 Storey Treehouse, The 78 Storey Treehouse, The 91 Storey Treehouse, Horrible Harriet. For CDP/Meneer Monster (Netherlands): Der Waanzinnige Boohut van 13 Verdiepingen. For CDP/Tall Stories: Associate Director Australia/NZ: The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo’s Child, Room on The Broom. For Smith and Fairley Productions: Oh My God I’ve Been Kidnapped and I Hate What I’m Wearing.