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Our Patrons
We are profoundly grateful to our Patron family who have supported our work through generous donations for over 40 years, since the Patron Program began. Every curtain that rises is because of our devoted supporters – thank you.
Dr Haruhisa Handa
The Patron Program
For gifts of $100,000+
Jane Hansen AO
Hans and Petra Henkell
Metal Manufactures Pty Limited
Andrew Sisson AO and Tracey Sisson
Susan and Isaac Wakil Foundation
Mr Geoffrey White OAM and Mrs Sally White OAM
For gifts of $50,000+
Philip Bacon AO
Opera Society
Dr Alison Pert and Rod Sims AO
Maureen Wheeler AO
Anonymous (3)
For gifts of $15,000+
Nicole Car is supported by Jane Hemstritch AO
Jane Ede is supported by Tom and Ruth O’Dea
Paul Fitzsimon is supported by Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky and Matthias Schlesewsky
Warwick Fyfe is supported by Lisa McKern
Dane Lam is supported by Susie Dickson and the late Martin Dickson AM
Michael Lampard is supported by Opera Society from the Eleanor Blakemore Bequest
Shanul Sharma is supported by Dr Alison Pert and Rod Sims AO
Esther Song is supported by Opera Society from the Eleanor Blakemore Bequest
Kang Wang is supported by Kay Bryan
Elizabeth Albert and the late Robert Albert AO RFD RD
Tom and Eva Begg
Warwick and Lida Bray
Juliana and Robert Clemesha
Malcolm and Heather Crompton
Graf Family
Peter Griffin AM and Terry Swann
Fiona Martin-Weber and Tom Hayward
Mrs Ingrid Kaiser
Robert Marriot & Katie Lahey AM
Nick and Caroline Minogue
Dr Robert Mitchell
Robert Peck AM and Yvonne von Hartel AM peckvonhartel architects
Peter Reilly OAM and Linton Soderholm
Geoffrey Robertson AO
Graeme Robertson
Tim Robertson
Mrs Penelope Seidler AM
Carol Sisson
John and Diana Smythe Foundation
The Hon Malcolm Turnbull AC and Lucy Turnbull AO
The Estate of the late William Denton
Carla Zampatti Foundation
Anonymous (3)
For gifts of $10,000+
Richard and Colin Adams
Antoinette Albert
Michael Ball
Jeff and Ann Brady
Margaret and Bernard Coles KC
de Soysa Foundation
John and Rose Downer Foundation
Diane and Edward Federman
Ms Jehane Ghabrial
Hiroko and Andrew Gwinett
Suzanne Kirkham
The Hon Justice F Kunc and Ms F Rourke
Peter Laver AM
Marianne and Warren Lesnie
Rosie Lew AM and Family
The McKee Family
Peter Mason AM and Kate Mason
Mrs Margot Melzak OAM
Colin and Rosalyn Nicholson
Ms Jo Phillips
David and Gillian Ritchie
Trish and Richard Ryan AO
Deena Shiff and James Gillespie
Gary Singer and Geoffrey Smith
The Stirling Family
Ellen K Stoddart
Kevin Troy
Michael Troy
Jackie, Priscilla and Ray Waterhouse
Cameron Williams
Christine Yip and Paul Brady
Anonymous (1)
For gifts of $7,500+
Nance Atkinson Trust
The Hon Bronwyn Bishop AO
Michel-Henri Carriol AM and Julie Carriol OAM
Joan Connery OAM and Max Connery OAM
Mary Davidson and the late Frederick Davidson AM
Suellen Enestrom
Mr Gerhard and Mrs Monica Flechsig
Margaret Gibbs
Pat Harvey and the late Frank Harvey OAM
Dr Judith Kinnear
Kloeden Foundation
John Lamble Foundation
Paul Lindwall and Joanne Frederiksen
Peter Lowry OAM and Carolyn Lowry OAM
Helen Meddings in memory of Phil Meddings
Professor Stephen Mulligan
SJD Group Australia
Penelope Seidler AM
Sue and Bill Wood
Anonymous (1)
For gifts of $4,000+
David and Elizabeth Adams
David and Judith Beal
Professor Warren Bebbington AM
Susan Bellamy in memory of Alison Bellamy
Christine Bishop
Ms Jan Bowen AM
Mrs Roslynne Bracher AM
Jannie Brown
Dr Andrew Buchanan
Pam Caldwell
Leanne Clark
Leith Cooper and David Bruce-Steer
Jennifer Crivelli
Michael Crouch AC and Shanny Crouch
Mary Davidson and the late Frederick Davidson AM
Professor Glyn Davis AC and Professor Margaret Gardner AC
Sandy Dudgeon
Sue Edwards
Robert Furley and Leon Nicholas
Dorothy and Gael Fraser
Eric and Tonia Gale
Mrs Kathy Glass
Beatrice Gray
Dr Darryl and Mrs Katherine Hodgkinson
N. E. Irvine
Ervin Katz and in memory of Judith Katz
Anna-Lisa Klettenberg
Kloeden Foundation
Alex Lewenberg and the estate of the late Halina Lewenberg
Mr Peter Lovell
Dr Mark and Dr Alla Medownick
Patricia Novikoff
Miki Oikawa and Andrew Gun
Susan Perrin-Kirby
Jennifer and Phillip Perry
Libby and Peter Plaskitt
Greeba Pritchard
Dr Judy Ranka
Dr Mark Renehan
Mr John Sheahan KC
Dr Michael Slaytor
Cheryl Spoor
Claire and Elizabeth Weis Fund
Victoria Taylor
Ms Alma Toohey
Jackie, Priscilla and Ray Waterhouse
Mr Geoffrey White OAM and Mrs Sally White OAM
Anonymous (4)
For gifts of $2,000+
Jeannette Abrahams
The Aldridge Family Endowment
Prof Noel Alpins AM and Mrs Sylvia Alpins
Lesley Alway and Paul Hewison
Dr Ben Anderson
Mrs Sidney and Mr Lynn Anderson
Rosalind Baker
Jenny Barnes
Tony Barnett
Jeanette Beaumont in Memory of Beryl Stephens
Laurie Bebbington and Elizabeth O'Keeffe
Dr Jane Beeby
Dr Simon Bell and Dr Jennifer Coghlan-Bell
Nicole Berger
Minnie Kent Biggs
Caroline Brain
Stephen and Caroline Brain
Mary-Jane Brodribb
Dr William Brooks and Alasdair Beck
Tony Buzzard and Pam Craig
Prof Anthony Buzzard & Pamela Craig
Hugh and Hilary Cairns
Mrs Hazel Chait
Emily Chang
Dr Janice Cheng
Terry Chesher
Margot Chinneck
Ms Linda Chung
David Churches
P.F. and M.J. Crane
Dr Peter Craswell
Charles Curran AC
Sue and Jim Dominguez CBE AM
Dana Dupere
Professor Jenny Edwards
Terry Fahy
Melody and Jonathan Feder
Mrs Jennifer Ferns
Chris and Judy Fullerton
Mrs Diane Gallery
Mr Phillip George
George Gordon and Jennifer Gordon
Mr Ross Grainger
Catherine Gray
Lyn Gray and Peter Hesky
Hugh Hallard
Wendy and Andrew Hamlin
Mary Harman
M. D. Harper
Lyndsey and Peter Hawkins
Dr Peter and Mrs Melissa Hebbard
Peter and Barbara Hennings
Jennifer Hershon
Dr and Mrs R F Hicks
Nora Hinchen and John Flint OAM
John David Hobbs
Monarch Investments Group
John Jessup
Mrs Anna Joel
Dr Glynis Johns
Anne and Bruce Judd
Dr Kun-Gay Yap and Dr Kuldip Kaur
Mrs Mathilde Kearny-Kibble
Edward Korbel in memory of Dr Suzanne Korbel
Stephanie Lee
Mr Richard Lennox
Tony and Helen Lewis
Mr Ashley Lucas
Geoffrey Magney
Jennifer K. Marshall
John Mason OAM and Margaret Mason
Sue McCarthy
Peter and Avril McGrath
Patricia and George McGregor
Mrs Isobel Morgan OAM
Adrian Morris and Eileen Chanin
Barry P Murphy
Thomas Timothy Murphy
Alan Hauserman and Janet Nash
Dr Paul Nisselle AM
Professor Greg O'Brien and Dr Ilma O'Brien
A Wilmers and R Pal
G Pearson
Dr Kevin Pedemont
Ms Jennifer Perry
Mr Ian Plater
Mr Peter Charles Prior CLJ
Garry Richards
Bruce and Ruth Rodell
Rowan and Susie Russell
Trish and Richard Ryan AO
Mrs Mitzi Saunders
Lynne Sherwood
Michael and Melissa Slattery
Brendan Sowry
Dr Susie Sritharan
Ross Steele AM
Tony and Barbara Stolarek
Dr Richard Travers OAM and Mrs Caroline Travers OAM
Peter Tremewen
Margaret Tremewen
Suzanne and Ross Tzannes AM
Mark Walker
The Shirley Ward Foundation
Louise and Suzanne Waterhouse
Derek Watt and Cathy Brown-Watt
David Wayne
Mrs Brenda Wellard
Robert and Diana Wilson
Ray Wilson OAM in memory of James Agapitos OAM
Anonymous (15)
We also thank our loyal supporters for their donations
For gifts of $200+
Fiona Allan
David and Rae Allen
Mrs Simone Arnott
William Barnard
Ms Glen Barnwell
David and Judith Beal
Anita Beuthien
Kaye Blaiklock
Judith Boag
Gabrielle Bookallil
Francis Breen
Gisela Bulach
Christine Burson
Pam Caldwell
Violet Carrapetta
Andrew Catsaras
Donald Clark
Leanne Clark
Robert Clark
Mr Albert Clarke
Carmel Clifford
Wendy Cobcroft
Anneke Coleman
Margaret Connell
Adrian Connelly
Geoffrey Constable
Carol Cooper
Esther Cossman
Jennifer Crivelli
Mr Ian Cull
Charles Curran AC
Rebecca Cuschieri
Jan Davis
Janet Doust
Dr Marie-Louise Dreux
Stephanus du Plooy
Karen Dundas
Paul Eagar
Gavin Edwards
Professor Jenny Edwards
Margaret Enfield
Michele Esplin
Elizabeth Evatt
Dr Marilyn Fenwick
Alex Fischl
Elizabeth Forbes
Freilich Prescribed Private Fund
Eric and Tonia Gale
Frances Garrick
Mr Richard Gastineau-Hills
Mary-Jane Gething
Liz Gibson
Rita Gibson
Prof. Ian Gough AM & Dr Ruth Gough
Carole Grace
Grace Family
Dr Anne Gray AM
Pauline Griffin
Paul Groh
Simon Hall
Norman Harris
Patricia Harvey
Don Harwin
Diane Harwood
Rohan Haslam
Dr Peter and Mrs Melissa Hebbard
Avril Hetherington
Lybus Hillman
Maria Hinds
Dorothy Hoddinott AO
Dr R.M Hollings
Angela Hooke
In memory of Beryl Hooley
Clive Hope
Peter and Jenny Hordern
Allan Hough
Merrick Howes
Xiao Huang
Dr Anthea Hyslop
Gary Jensen
Ruth Jeremy
Mrs Mathilde Kearny-Kibble
Philip Keenan
Richard Kell
Margaret Kidd
Anna-Lisa Klettenberg
Lewis Klipin
Lois Knight
Shelley Knight
Nicholas Korner
Suzanne Krauskopf
Thomas Kudelka
Sue Lane
Mr and Mrs W&B Leakey
Peter Lemon
Primrose Lentin
Tony and Helen Lewis
Daniel Madeddu
Peter Manson
Christine McCormack
Susan Mcgrath-champ
Sue McLay
Kathleen McMahon
Ross McPhail
Dianne McWilliam
Charles Mendel
Inara Merrick
Michael and Julie Monaghan
Evelyn Murphy
Iain Nicolson
Liz Nield
Helen Oakes
Anthony Oliver
Leone Oliver
Klaus Oppenheimer
Dr Robert Pickles
Peter Randall
Kenneth R Reed AM
Paul and Mary Reid
Michael Renzella
Susan Reye
Jonquil Ritter
Michael Robbins in memory of his darling wife Jan
Trudie Rogers
Katrina Rolley
William Rutledge
Aileen Ryan
Cassandra Rycroft
Maria Victoria Salinas
Rae Saxton
Mary Schultz
Margot Smith
Judith Sneyd
George Souris
David Spicer
Noel Staunton
Anthony Steward
Margaret Swinbourne
James Tait
Jean Taylor
Peter Thompson
Adjunct Allocicle Professor Gerald Thurnwald AM
Karin Tiedemann
Laura Tingle
Vera Vargassoff
Hans-Peter Wabenhorst
Mark Walker
Aidan Walsh
Richard Wardman
David Wayne
Mary Webster
Zofia Weremczuk
A D White
Peter White
Mrs Elizabeth Whitney
Catherine Williams
Eddie Wong
Jenny Woods
Rod Woolley
David Zrobek
Anonymous (42)
Opera Australia Capital Fund
Thank you to our supporters of the Capital Fund
Last updated on 18 July 2024
Contact Us
Rebecca Oxenbould
Philanthropy Manager (NSW)
+61 2 9318 8302
Melissa Stark
Philanthropy Manager (VIC)
+61 3 9685 3706