Contact us

To get in touch with anyone in the Opera Australia team, email and your email will be directed to the right person.

We appreciate you taking the time to contact us. If you have feedback on our website or the Opera Australia season, we'd love to hear from you

The Opera Centre, Sydney

480 Elizabeth Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
T: + 61 2 9699 1099

ABN: 26 000 755 153

Tickets Sydney
T: + 61 2 9318 8200
F: + 61 2 9310 4917

Postal Address
PO Box 291
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012

Opening hours
Australian eastern daylight time
Closed on public holidays

The Opera Centre, Melbourne

Level 4, 35–47 City Road
Southbank VIC 3006
T: + 61 3 9685 3777

ACN: 000 755 153

Tickets Melbourne
T: + 61 3 9685 3700
F: + 61 3 9686 1441

Postal Address
PO Box 389
South Melbourne VIC 3205

Opening hours
Australian eastern daylight time
Closed on public holidays