Michael Mavromatis

Musical Director

Michael Mavromatis

Born in Broome to an Australian Greek father and Filipino Yawuru mother, Michael is a self-taught guitarist. He studied music at CASM in Adelaide 1981-1992.

Michael performed with Kuckles Band in Köln March 1982 for ‘Australia Night’ produced by ABC TV. He produced a music video for Kuckles “What time low tide” in 1986 at Fremantle Film Institute. Michael was musical director for the 1991 Bran Nue Dae tour. Recently Michael wrote some music for The Shorebirds Quest a local Broome production Co-created by Theatre Kimberley, the Parks and Wildlife Yawuru Rangers and Country Managers and the Broome community.

Michael is currently engaged at Nyamba Buru Yawuru as a linguist reviving the Yawuru language.

Michael Mavromatis