Czack (Ses) Bero

Czack (Ses) Bero is a proud indigenous man from both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background. Born and raised in Townsville, North Queensland, Ses has always been immersed in tradition, surrounded by his grandparents practicing their culture performing in traditional ceremonies, celebrations and in everyday life.
Ses studied at NAISDA (National Aboriginal Islander Skills Development Association) where he completed his Diploma in Dance. Passionate about working with children, Ses held workshops in schools, community centres and at Youth Detention Centres.
In 2014 Ses was seconded to Bangarra Dance Theatre working with choreographer Stephen Page. He has since been a regular participant in Marrugeku’s Intense Choreographic Labs and has performed extensively for events, festivals and various clients including: World Youth Day Sydney, Woodford Dreaming Festival, CIAF, Message Sticks (SOH), Home Ground, Yarbun, Spirit Festival, Adelaide Fringe Festival, Cruise liners, Schools, the Rugby World Cup, International Conventions, for Naidoc Week and Mabo Day.
Ses has worked with renown choreographers including Albert David, Rita Pryce, Gary Lang, Patrick Thaiday, Gale Mabo, Sani Townsend, Daniel Riley, Dion Hastie, Dalissa Pigram, Rachel Swain and Jecko Siompo.
Highlights include World Youth Day Sydney, farewell tribute to the Honourable Dame Marie Bashir, WAAN Dance Festival 2016, Sing Sing at the Opera House and the Australian Dance Awards (2008 and 2013).