Donate to the Regional Children’s Chorus

The unique experience of watching and participating in live performance is unforgettable and should be available to all.

We tour a full-scale opera to every Australian state and territory over a two-year cycle which reaches large regional centres, small towns and remote communities.

This year, we will tour a new production of La Bohème. At each of the over 20 tour locations, we will bring together a choir of students aged between 8-14 to perform as our Regional Children’s Chorus. Singing alongside Opera Australia artists, the Children’s Chorus provides a memorable performance opportunity that we hope will inspire a life-long love of the arts. Since its inception, over 3,500 children have performed in the Chorus.

Opera has the power to move, to change lives, to touch something great in us all, and make us recognise in ourselves what it is to be human. Thank you for supporting our Regional Children’s Chorus program.

Contributions of $2 or more are tax deductible. If you would like to make a donation to support the Regional Children’s Chorus, please contact the Philanthropy team on (02) 9318 8334 or or use the field below.

Your donation will make a difference
