Jane Sheldon

Jane Sheldon

Background: Born, Australia. Studied: University of Sydney (BA), Royal Northern College of Music, UK, (Post-graduate Diploma in Opera Performance), Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney (PhD).

SCO Repertoire: Exil (Kancheli), An Index of Metals (Romitelli), Notes from Underground (Symonds), Biographica (Finsterer), The Rape of Lucretia (Britten), The Howling Girls (Ricketson), La Passion de Simone (Saariaho), Oscar and Lucinda (Gyger), Breaking Glass (Macken, Scott, van Reyk), Poem for a Dried Up River (Sheldon), Awakening Shadow (Britten, Styles), Antarctica (Finsterer).

Selected Other Companies/Festivals: Stranger Love (LA Phil/Contemporaneous), XXX Live Nude Girls! (BIFEM), Play of Daniel (Boston Camerata), L’Ormindo (Pinchgut Opera); Lincoln Center Festival, Jerusalem Sacred Music Festival, North Sea Jazz, Adelaide Festival, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, Resonant Bodies Festival. Selected Recordings: I am a tree, I am a mouth (Badabing), Nature (Phosphor Records), Songs of the Shadowland (ABC Classic), Learning to Howl (ABC Classic).

Jane Sheldon