Jessica O’Donoghue

Background: Born, Sydney. Studied University of Sydney (BMus), Victorian College of the Arts (Post-Graduate Diploma in Opera Studies), Conservatorium of Music, University of Sydney (PhD), Young Artist (Opera QLD), Guest Young Artist Jette Parker (Royal Opera House Covent Garden).

Co-Artistic Director, The Sony Company. 2021 APRA/AMCOS Art Music awards for ‘Performance of the Year – Notated Composition’.

SCO Repertoire: Mayakovsky (Smetanin), Victory Over the Sun (Belling), Biographica (Finsterer), The Rape of Lucretia (Britten), La Passion de Simone (Saariaho), Breaking Glass (Macken, Scott, van Reyk), Diary of One Who Disappeared (Janáček), Fumbling Oracle (Belling), Antarctica (Finsterer).

Opera QLD: Rosina: Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Second Lady: Die Zauberflöte, Gretel: Hensel und Gretel, Sandman / Dew Fairy: Hensel und Gretel, Hero / Aphrodite (understudy): The Love of the Nightingale, Adele: Die Fledermaus, Romeo & Juliet, Die Fledermaus, Lucia di Lammermoor, La Boheme.

Selected Other Companies/Festivals: Three Marys (Greenwell), AM I (Sydney Opera House, APAM, Adelaide Festival, Malthouse, Movements Festival Wolfsburg, George Town Festival Penang, Theatre Pfalzbau Ludwigshafen, Theatre im Forum Ludwigsburg, Dansens Hus Stockholm, Les Theatres de la Ville Luxembourg), Sydney Festival, VIVID Festival. The Song Company: Songs Under the Southern Cross, Songs of Rosa Mystica, Songs from a Strange Land, Superbloom, The Stars Turn, Vespers for Mother Earth, Bach, Sorrow and Joy, Madrigalesque, Burden of Truth, Circle of Virtue, Nineteen to the Dozen, Songs from the Heart, Total Immersion (ACO), The Crowd and I (ACO).

Selected Recordings: Rise Up (Art As Catharsis), Golden Times (Undercover Music), Testament:Archangels’ Banquet/Shepherd’s Delight (Celestial Harmonies), Ordo Virtutum (Hyperion Records), Nineteen to the Dozen (Hyperion Records), Burdon of Truth (Hyperion Records).