Paul Biencourt

Paul Biencourt

Paul’s past engagements for Opera Australia include the cover of Harry in La Fanciulla del West.

Roles for Victorian Opera include Erste Jude  in Salome, Mr Erlanson in A Little Night Music, Rodolfe in William Tell, Brighella in Ariadne Auf Naxos, Tmolus in Phoebus & Pan, the Englishman in Angelique and six tenor roles in Rembrandt’s Wife.

For Melbourne Opera, Rodolfo in La Boheme, Basilio in Marriage Of Figaro, St Brioche in Merry Widow, Remendado in Carmen, Ferrando in Cosi Fan Tutte, Goro in Madam Butterfly, Pedrillo in Abduction From Seraglio, Lucio in Otello, Ralf in HMS Pinafore and roles in Der Rosenkavalier, Parsifal and Lohengrin.

Music theatre credits include Noel Weiderberg in the national production of Shout-The Musical for Jacobsen Entertainment and eight seasons for The Production Company.

Paul Biencourt